"CFS and ME are designer diseases that only affect the cosseted, educated worried well of the Western World. These 'diseases' are completely unknown in the Third World, even when malnourishment, parasites and social deprivation abound. If you remove these factors in the Third World, the recipients blossom like flowers in the desert. It makes me mad that so much resource is poured out on these deluded people, who virtually ALL need prolonged psychiatric help or cognitive behavioural therapy, not vitamins and yet more expensive tests. The arrogance of denial and insistence on their 'rights' gets up my - and I suspect most - people's noses.
The one thing in common with most CFS and ME sufferers is the enormous energy they have to spend time talking about their disease, researching everything there has ever been published about it and how they 'feel'.
- Ex NHS Surgeon, London, now in the Antipodes., 30/4/2010 0:04"
Where do I start to comment?
With the question of why this person feels the need to complain so bitterly about a group of ill people - so much so that he posts this ignornant, hate-filled garbage in response to an article about a doctor, not her patients? That does puzzle me.
Do I tackle the so-very-outdated assertion that ME doesn't exist in the Third World (we don't know if it does or not, because anyone with it would certainly die).
Or do I ask what the poster means by 'so much resource is poured out on these people'? Because seriously, I'd love to see it! The help I get for my ME is...hmm...let me add it up....nothing at all. If the poster means they are sick of seeing money wasted on CBT and GET, then I'm right there. But somehow it doesn't look as if that is what they mean. Since money isn't being spent on anything else, what mysterious flood of resources does this poster know about that I don't? I seem to be missing out.
Do I quietly mention that prolonged psychiatric help is actually the opposite of the 'quick fix' CBT, so to suggest both as 'what we all need' just shows ignorance?
Ooh, how awful of us to insist that we have the right to be treated when we're ill!!!! No wonder this person is exNHS if they object so much to sick people having the right to treatment and help! One can only wonder why they ever entered medicine in the first place (and be glad they are no longer here).
But mostly I think I'll just laugh myself sick at:
"The one thing in common with most CFS and ME sufferers is the enormous energy they have to spend time talking about their disease, researching everything there has ever been published about it and how they 'feel'."
Of course we don't have enormous energy, you moron. We are forced to use a good deal of the limited stock we have on informing ourselves, researching, spreading information and looking for anything that might help. That is all energy we can't then use for things people like you take for granted - a walk with our family, domestic chores, any other kind of study. We are forced to do this because very, very few people are prepared to do it for us (and the GMC just hammered one of the doctors who was). To give a very basic example - I have made this post, that is energy spent from today's finite supply - it's a phone call I can't have with my mother, or ten minute's weeding in the garden, or cooking the evening meal. If you still don't get it, read the Spoon Theory.
Of course, it is doctors and other health professionals who should be doing this, not us. You know, people like the poster. Sure would be nice. I can think of approximately a thousand things I would rather spend my precious energy on than researching and campaigning for ME. But with people like this poster about, it's clearly not on the cards any time soon, is it?
That poster's is just an ignorant troll. Probably just trying to stir up a flame war because he's an arsehole. He's the one needs therapy.
ReplyDeleteOh, he could be sincere. Maybe he takes satisfaction in thinking other people are inferior to him. Maybe he knows someone who has it and doesn't want to cope with the idea that bad things can happen to good people.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm guessing it's the first one.